Kenichi is one of Astro's human classmates and best friends. He is a very positive, smart, and outgoing young student, and very devoted to his friends. Various versions of Kenichi appear in almost every Astro Boy series. He is one of the original members of the Osamu Tezuka Star System, and first debuted in 1948.

Kenichi is adapted from Kenichi Shikishima, one of the first characters Osamu Tezuka ever created. He was Tezuka's first boy hero, and he designed Kenichi as purely lawful good. Kenichi appears in the very old manga Lost World, Metropolis, Nextworld, and Mysterious Underground Men. Usually, Shunsaku Ban appears as Kenichi's uncle.
Kenichi and Shunsaku Ban appear in the 2001 film Metropolis. They are a Japanese family of detectives who enter the enormous city Metropolis in hopes of finding a wanted organ dealer, but accidentally become involved in a citywide coup d'etat. The two are split up, and Kenichi finds the angelic robot Tima while Shunsaku and his robot partner attempt to investigate the situation in the city's government.
Kenichi and Shunsaku Ban also appear in Jungle Emperor Leo.
1980 series[]

Kenichi Tezuka is one of Astro's classmates in the 1980 series. He, Midori, and Tamao are the first to befriend Astro when he joins their class. Kenichi is the class president, and a very prudent and outgoing student. Usually he is the first voice of reason whenever something goes wrong or there is chaos in his class.
2003 series[]

Of all his versions, Kenichi gets the most character development in the 2003 anime. He is a member of the Sky Riders group alongside Abercrombie, Alejo, Astro, and Denkou. Kenichi is the first child in Astro's class to want to be his friend, and immediately welcomes Astro into his friend group.
In "March of the Micro Bears", it is shown that Kenichi is an avid soccer player in a citywide league. His good nature accidentally slips when he slightly touches the ball to keep it in line, which allows him to make a big kick that wins the game. Astro is the only one who notices; when asked about it, Kenichi is embarrassed and angry. He doesn't talk to Astro for several days and only stays in his room talking to a Micro Bear. However, when Astro is attacked by a swarm of Micro Bears, Kenichi immediately springs into action to help Astro escape. After that point, Kenichi commits to being an honest sportsman.
Little Astro Boy series[]

A very modified version of Kenichi appears in Little Astro Boy, renamed as Ken. He is an athlete once again, and he tends to speak in rhyme and slang. He is one of Astro's best friends, and at the start of each episode, he and Astro lead the opening dance.
Astro Boy: Omega Factor[]
Kenichi appears in Stage 5-2 hiding in a trash can due to all the chaos going on, Astro chasing Lord Deadcross to be exact. He found out about Dr. Black Jack, the man who could cure Prime Rose, for his friend Daichi. They were going to meet by the Marine Express but Daichi never showed up, he thought about telling Mr. Tokugawa but then an evil eye pinned him down and he got amnesia. This was Sharaku, after he was driven off Fire Vase Island, Kenichi was able to tell Astro Boy the location of Dr. Black Jack.
- Kenichi could be considered a progenitor to Astro Boy, as the two share a number of design similarities, though not to the point of identifying as each other.
- Kenichi is among a number of characters who change ethnicities depending on adaptation. While he is Japanese in most incarnations, the 2003 anime portrays him as having brown skin, implying an African, Middle Eastern, or Latin/South American heritage.