Shadow is a robotic scientist who was created and designed by Dr. Tenma. He was originally intended to be Tenma's assistant and ongoing project, but Shadow soon developed his own personality and thoughts. His name references this, as Shadow was meant to be Tenma's shadow.
Shadow creates robots of his own to fight against Astro. Much like Dr. Tenma, Shadow believes Astro can evolve through combat and become the most powerful robot in the world.
Shadow always wears monochromatic robes in similar style to a classical pierrot. His tunic and hood are split in colour down the middle, asymmetrically, with a striking yellow eye on his hood. Shadow also has a billowing cape attached to his thick shoulder pads.
He will very rarely take off his hood. Initially, his face underneath was a basic, unfurnished robotic face, similar to that of A-106. However, later on, he modifies his own appearance after Dr. Tenma comes to Robotonia - giving himself a replica of Tenma's own face. After the siege on Robotonia, it is unknown if Shadow has kept Tenma's face, as he continues to wear his eye hood.
2003 anime[]
After burning down part of the Ministry of Science, Dr. Umataro Tenma disappeared as part of a self-imposed exile. He took to working on robot commissions from wealthy clients, but soon realized he needed extra help. Tenma decided to create a robotic doppelganger of himself; Shadow has the same height, build, and voice as Dr. Tenma. Ever a fan of irony, Tenma transferred his own memories into Shadow to ensure Shadow would possess all his knowledge and robotic skill. Tenma declares Shadow to be a "robot that creates robots."
Shadow becomes a successful roboticist in his own right. While he is intended to be a "shadow" to Tenma, he soon develops his own agenda, even going behind Tenma's back numerous times. Shadow's robotic skill is especially powerful: Tenma was inspired to create Shadow after realizing humans don't learn and develop as fast as AI robots. Therefore, if a robot was able to engineer and develop on their own, they could advance robotic technology faster than ever before. Shadow is ever-adapting and studying robotics, and eventually, becomes the king of Robotonia.
At the end of the series, Shadow leaves earth, taking the entire Kingdom of Robotonia. The Blue Knight accompanies him in the search for a peaceful world they can live in.
Episode appearances[]
- 17: The Rise of Pluto
- 18: The Fall of Acheron
- 24: March of the Micro Bears
- 26: The Blue Knight
- 27: Dawn of the Techno Revolution (dub only)
- 32: Secret of the Blue Knight
- 38: Battle-Bot
- 40: Escape from Volcano Island
- 42: Battle of Steel Island
- 46: Robotonia
- 47: Showdown in Robotonia
- 48: Journey to Tomorrow
- 49: Astro Reborn
Astro Boy: Omega Factor[]
In the Game Boy Advance game Astro Boy: Omega Factor, Shadow plays a role similar to his role in the 2003 anime. However, he is revealed later on to be Sharaku in disguise.
Shadow's creations[]
- Pluto
- Acheron
- Micro Bear
- Blue Knight (upgrades only)
- Atlas (upgrades only)